Hiring a Private Nanny – Meet Amy

Hi there, I’m Amy. I have been a Nanny for 10 years and what a journey it has been.

Working as a Nanny/Children’s PA & House-manager to VIP and Celebrity Clients is not for the faint-hearted but my goodness does it offer some wonderful opportunities. I have been lucky enough to travel the world with my work and have had some truly unforgettable experiences.

What advice would you give a childcarer looking to start a career as a Private Nanny?

  1. Always be the most organised person in the room and one step ahead of the game. You will thank yourself later when you have 178 spare nappies and PJs out ready for after bathtime.
  2. Meal prep, I always meal plan for the week and prep in advance. It helps when I’m in a rush but also eliminates food waste.
  3. Do not negotiate with tiny humans. Remind yourself that you are in charge and in control. No means no.
  4. Be sure to give yourself some time to sit and eat. It’s both a must and a need!
  5. Be calm, take deep breaths and count to 10. You have one of the most challenging yet rewarding jobs going. You are shaping a child’s life, don’t take that for granted.

What advice would you give to a parent looking to hire a Nanny for the first time?

  1. Be sure you are all on the same page about how you raise your children. Make sure you are clear about this and check in regularly to ensure consistency.
  2. Communication is key. A quick fortnightly catch-up is so helpful for all involved. With working parents struggling to find time to squeeze everything in, scheduling a catch-up in the diary is invaluable. It gives the Nanny an opportunity to make sure that they are kept well updated on things such as milestones and behavioural issues – first steps, first words, how they’re doing at nursery/school, feedback from parent’s evenings, health queries, appointments, researching new schools etc. It’s a team effort, so work together and keep lines of communication open.
  3. Value your Nanny/Manny. If they are worth their salt, they will go to the ends of the earth for your children. Equally, if you feel that your Nanny’s level of effort and commitment is dwindling, it’s time for a change. Your precious cargo requires 100% focus and energy, don’t settle.

What have you learned since becoming a Private Nanny?

I have learnt how to be a chameleon. I can wear many, many hats in one day and have come to love that every day is different.

What has been your career highlight?

I’ve worked for and lived with my childhood heroes (who will of course remain anonymous).

A final word

In summary, it’s been a wild 10 years. For every low, there’s been a ridiculous high. You will learn things about the human race you never thought possible. No two days will be the same, ever.

You will love a child so much it hurts and saying goodbye to that child will be worse than any heartbreak you’ve ever felt BUT you made a difference in their lives. Without you, they wouldn’t be them. A piece of Amy will forever be in every child I’ve had the pleasure of caring for. The oldest of my ‘babies’ (to which there have been 22!) is now 21 and I thank each and every one of them for the memories.

To hire a Private Nanny on a temporary or full-time basis, please contact the agency and our specialist team will assist you +44 (0)203 669 7726 / office@thestaffdirectory.com

To apply for Nanny and childcare positions, please visit our Job Listings page and complete our Candidate Registration Form.


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